Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Jove’s Pearls is a collection of verse 'chiefly in the Australian vernacular' by Jovial Mark ... painter, poet, dilettante, and ratbag, hailing from the deep south of South Australia...
The poem...
There was a man o’ color
Came a-ridin’ into town
He tied up to a hitchin’ post
We tried to gun him down
But then that man o’ color
Declared he’d come to seed
A new world fit for negro folk
A new world fit for breeds
We heard this man o’ color
An envoy for his race
We came to heed his teachings
For sorrow lined his face
But there came a fateful day
When he lost his noble crown
He walked the street, his braces broke
And then his pants fell down!
Music featured in the poem comes from 'Farewell To Cheyenne' by Ennio Morricone.
Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR
Original verse by Jovial Mark
Adapted for radio by James Benn
With special thanks to Johnny Boxer
Poems interpreted by…
- Johnny Boxer
- James Benn
Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire