Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Jove’s Pearls is a collection of verse 'chiefly in the Australian vernacular' by Jovial Mark ... painter, poet, dilettante, and ratbag, hailing from the deep south of South Australia...
The poem...
I was talkin’ to a gerry
Who said she’d lost her faculties
I was talkin’ to a jewboy
Who was workin’ his fazackerlies
I was talkin’ to a pollie
Who said he loved my baby
I was talkin’ to a P.M.
Who said he’d do it ... maybe
I was talkin’ to a farmer
Who said he worked the land
I was talkin’ to a banker
Who’d worked for Nugan Hand
I was talkin’ to a shock jock
Who said he told the truth
I was talkin’ to a callgirl
Who did it in a booth
I was talkin’ to a popstar
Who sang like Judie Tzuke
I was talkin’ to a slaughterman
Whose work just made me puke
I was talkin’ to a fireman
Who always hosed it down
I was talkin’ to a high court judge
Who acted like a clown
I was talkin’ to a copper
Who shot crims in the guts
I was talkin to a dero
Who hoarded ciggy butts
I was talkin’ to a mason
Who rides the billy goat
I was talkin’ to a sailor
Who sails a leaky boat
I’m talkin’, talkin’, talkin’
But I don’t get no reply
I’m talkin’, talkin’, talkin’
One day we’re gonna die...
Music featured in the poem comes 'Rawhide' by originally recorded by Frankie Laine, 1958.
Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR
Original verse by Jovial Mark
Adapted for radio by James Benn
With special thanks to Johnny Boxer
Poems interpreted by…
- Johnny Boxer
- James Benn
Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire