Man of Deeds

Home / Jove's Pearls / Man of Deeds

Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Jove’s Pearls is a collection of verse 'chiefly in the Australian vernacular' by Jovial Mark ... painter, poet, dilettante, and ratbag, hailing from the deep south of South Australia...

The poem...

A man of deeds and not of words
Is sometimes seen but never heard

A man whose head is likest to break
Is like a greasy T-bone steak

A man who often breaks his back
Commits a sacreligious act

And when that back begins to grind
It’s like the flying man of pie

And when that pie is full of crust
It’s like the soul who’s turned to dust

And when that journey the soul it takes
It’s like a car without the brakes

And when the brakes begin to go
It’s like a glasshouse full of snow

And when the snow begins to melt
It’s like the fiery iron we smelt

And when that iron doth rust away
It’s time to start another day

And when the day is almost done
It’s time to drink a old flagoon

And when that goon has filled a drunk
It’s time to be a trappist monk

And when on that flesh the vultures feed
You’re dead, and dead and dead indeed

A take off of the well known poem, ‘A man of words and not of deeds’.

It’s time to be a trappist monk


Music featured in the poem comes from 'If You Want the Rainbow' as sung Annette Hanshaw, 1928


Radio 2RRR 88.5FMProduced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR
Original verse by Jovial Mark
Adapted for radio by James Benn
With special thanks to Johnny Boxer
Poems interpreted by…

  • Johnny Boxer
  • James Benn

Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire