Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Jove’s Pearls is a collection of verse 'chiefly in the Australian vernacular' by Jovial Mark ... painter, poet, dilettante, and ratbag, hailing from the deep south of South Australia...
The poem...
Lady of the Isles, I see you coming back to me
Lady of the Isles, you are so beautiful and discreet
Lady of the Isles, you walk out of a morning mist
Lady of the Isles, almost too beautiful to be kissed
Lady of the Isles, I seek enchantment in your gaze
Lady of the Isles, a dream to last me all my days
Lady of the Isles, the total esme of perfection
Lady of the Isles, you will lead to my dereliction
Lady of the Isles, they say you’ve trode on tropic sands
Lady of the Isles, the fair parfum of foreign lands
Lady of the Isles, you wear a diaphanous ensemble
Lady of the Isles, a sight to make men tremble
Lady of the Isles, I yearn to ask your hand in marriage
But, Lady of the Isles, my home is an oily garridge!
Music featured in the poem comes from 'The Better To Love You My Dear' by Adrian Rollini & His Tap Room Gang, 1934.
Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR
Original verse by Jovial Mark
Adapted for radio by James Benn
With special thanks to Johnny Boxer
Poems interpreted by…
- Johnny Boxer
- James Benn
Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire