A collection of poems for radio
Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Jove’s Pearls is a collection of verse 'chiefly in the Australian vernacular' by Jovial Mark ... painter, poet, dilettante, and ratbag, hailing from the deep south of South Australia...
The poems...
A word from Jove...
“You are about to hear poems by Jovial Mark. Buy them. Read them. Use them. Now in retreat on the south coast of New South Wales, he contemplates the mysteries of this and other worlds. Truth is beauty, beauty truth. Hare rama!”
Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR
Original verse by Jovial Mark
Adapted for radio by James Benn
With special thanks to Johnny Boxer
Music adapted from various sources cited with each poem
Poems interpreted by…
- Johnny Boxer
- James Benn
Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire