Produced by Produced by Blue Trumpet for Radio 2RRR, Sydney, Australia
Researched by Ray Rose
Adapted for radio by James Benn
Voices in order of appearance…
- Will Scott
- Kiaran Green
- Virgil Canaway
- Hardy Scott
- Brett Dark
- David Biltmore
- Kelvin Haisman
- Silvio Ofria
- Gerry O'Sullivan
- Kambiz Afrachteh
- James Benn
- Ray Rose
- Tony Gilmartin
- Marty Waters
- Phil Coventry
- Johnny Boxer
- Sue Thompson
- Guy Dutton
- Kirsten Shaw
- Becky Mendham
- Wayne ‘Mac’ McDaniel
- Chris Virtue
- Peter McAllum
- Jamie Thompson
- Paul Steckler
- Terence Priester
- Teddy Doyle
Introductions and credits by Amie Maguire
Special thanks to Sue Liolio for support, talent scouting, costume AND set design.